Fergus, I Need A Meeting.

First of all, thank you for keeping Ian interested by hiding somewhere different every day. However.

This morning, Ian was in quite a funk because he couldn’t find you. I know today is your final appearance for the year, but please take this into consideration for next year.

Leave a clue somewhere, so that if he’s having trouble we can consult it. I’m sure dashing off a rhyming couplet every night will be no problem, seeing as how you just sit around all day- you should have plenty of time to think of good ones.

See you next December.

Where will this guy go tomorrow?


Apparently Ian spotted this guy at 12:30 this morning, when he convinced Daddy that he was up for the day unless he got a PB&J immediately. I missed the whole thing, but I was happy to point out that this was probably a dangerous precedent.

I’m really bummed about it, too… I thought I’d hidden him rather cleverly and I totally blew my wad on something that happened when Ian wasn’t even supposed to be out of his room.

Now, for the really important issue of the day… WHERE IS HE GOING TONIGHT? I’m starting to run out of places.