Rain, rain, go away

Today seems bound and determined to make up for two days of cold rain. It’s exactly perfect. Breezy. Sunny, with white puffy clouds and a blue, blue sky. It seems impossible that it could ever be humid or cold, or that there are such things as biting insects in the world. The air is so refreshing it feels like a cool drink. I want to put this day between the pages of a book and press it flat, for posterity.

2.88 miles


As a mom, I sometimes find it difficult to tear myself away from my family. I hate to miss anything. But it is terribly, terribly necessary for my mental health. If you’re a mom, you need to do this too. Anyone who tells you differently is A) insane and delusional, B) lying, C) just plain mean, and probably selfish, or D) all of the above.

Today I enjoyed 3.43 miles of restorative alone time. And it was good.

Won’t you be my neighbor?

Apparently, it’s not Spring, but Moving Season around here. No matter where I head on my walk, there are several houses either for sale or just sold. There is also still lots of furious construction of ENORMOUS new homes going on. Haven’t they heard? The economy is bad. People are scaling back. (!)

I, for one, would be sad to see all the charming, mid-century homes in my neighborhood torn down and crowded out for a bunch of houses all made out of ticky-tacky and all looking just the same.

There are still some really hideous houses built in the 80s around. Feel free to knock those down.

Total miles: 1.72

Oh, you think it started when, dear?

When one thinks of one’s “Great Grandmother,” I suppose one naturally tends to think of her as having been elegant. And refined. You know, “old fashioned.” And perhaps a bit… stuffy. I should know better. We are talking, after all, about the woman who raised the Wise and Wonderful Betty Gray. Who raised my father. Who… well, you see where this is going, right? The family Zydeco Dance Band had to come from SOMEWHERE. (What’s our Family Zydeco Dance band? Three dudes, a cowbell, and a kazoo. Need I say more?)

Thanks to my dad and my uncle, Barry, I can tell you that THIS is what I should be thinking of when I think “Great Grandmother.”

Maybe it’s a fluke. Ok. Here she is with my great grandfather:

Oh dear. Well, perhaps she talked him into it. Surely he was occasionally dry and refined.

Or not. I bet they had a family Zydeco Dance band, too. Although they had three daughters, so I suppose they’d have to have been Dudettes.


Total mileage this morning: 1.23 miles


Whither shall we we wander?



We set out early, with the goal of logging as many miles as we could while Ian was at school, and got home just before it started to rain. We took one short break so my sidekick could play for a while, but mostly we just tore up that trail!

And, of course, there was the obligatory comment on the fact that Keeghan was wearing mismatched socks. I’m thinking of telling people he’s got mismatched feet. (Seriously, you see dimples like these, and it’s his SOCKS that get your attention? Must be impervious to cuteness.)

Total miles: 5.91