I cannot actually RECOMMEND it, but


We are having a lot of fun with this gizmo, and only partly at its expense. What you are looking at is called a “spa mist humidifier with optional essential oil diffuser.” (“Why is it called that, Mommy?” “Because someone is really bad at names, that’s why.”)

Not only does it humidify and optionally diffuse scent, it lights up. And changes colors. Naturally, some of the colors are brighter than others. So if, for instance, you are the parent if a baby who still does not sleep through the night and you therefore wake up a lot at night, you will enjoy a different experience each time you open your eyes.

Assuming you open them, that is. As opposed to, say, sleepwalking to the baby’s room and then having the bejesus scared out of you when your husband comes in to check on you. Which may or may not be a regular event around here.

It also sounds like a badly tuned motorcycle when the water runs low. Which, if you turn it on before you go to bed, it will do at a really ridiculous hour of the morning. This is only for a bit before the auto- shutoff kicks in, so if you’re susceptible to strange, noise induced dreams, you’ll really like that feature. The puddle that sometimes collects underneath it is fun, too, and also a very reassuring behavior in an electrical appliance.

All in all, I’d say we’ve really gotten a big bang for our buck! Especially considering that this came to us via White Elephant exchange, so it represents an excellent value for the price paid!

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