That went well.

Last night we had another installment of the family bed circus during the wee small hours of the morning, but I did not care because the chair caper is complete. So I settled into the perfect nursing chair with my baby and let the excitement pass me by. I may have to stop in with another installment about the giant, screaming, tearful fit Ian threw when he saw his new chair for the first time, including all the descriptive ways he promised to break it. Once he calmed down, he informed me that he needs something yellow for it. Yeah, get right on that. But for now I’m just going to post this photo:

and tell you that I am pleased to report that the lime green minky fur actually clashes with the lime green on the walls. If I were really good I’d write you a tutorial on slipcovering with minky fur, but I’m just going to tell you that it’s a good thing this stuff is stretchy, because it makes up for how slippery it is when you sew it. Also, I did the backs of the cushions in heavy duty sheeting. If you sew with this stuff and you aren’t very experienced, I recommend you baste it by hand before you run it through the machine, particularly if you are sewing it to itself. (Oh, and one more tip… I didn’t do a closure on the cushion covers. I just left a flap of the minky fur, which I tuck under the hem on the sheeting so it won’t come loose. It’s hidden in the bend of the chair. Nobody needs to know.  Shhhh!)

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