How important can a chair be, anyway?

So, you know there is a chair in Keeghan’s room, right? And you probably also figured out that the idea is that I would be nursing the baby in that chair. There’s only one problem.  Have you ever heard of the fact that restaurants have something called “15 minute chairs” to encourage turnover? Well, as far as I’m concerned, that chair is a 10 minute chair. I cannot comfortably relax into it to nurse the baby at night. It’s either the crick in the neck because the back is at the wrong angle or the fact that the arms are the wrong distance apart so I have to contort myself into a hunchback to keep the baby from “falling off.” So I try to “rush” him, which means he doesn’t get enough to eat to encourage his healthy sleep habits. (In other words, he wakes up every hour until I go crazy or take him to bed with me and let him nurse for the rest of the night.) The end result is, I don’t like it, he doesn’t like it, and we both just want to go kick everyone out of “our” bed so we can nurse and be happy.

As for co-sleeping, I LOVE the snuggles but I sleep WAY too deeply for me to feel this is a safe for Keeghan. In fact, the night before last I woke up in the middle of the night with the baby in my bed and did not know how he got there. Either I’m sleepwalking, which is not out of the realm of possibility but works pretty much on auto-pilot, or the kid can Apparate. Of those two possibilites, I hope I’m sleepwalking. But this means that even my unconscious mind has rejected that chair.

Plus, try explaining to the four year old why the BABY can sleep in your bed, but HE can’t. Yeah, you can’t, can you? So pretty often I wake up singing…

“And the little one said, ‘roll over, roll over,’
and they all rolled over and one fell out with a terrible shout
please remember to tie a knot in your pajamas…”

The upshot is that I’m going to have to save us all by moving the “good” nursing chair from Ian’s room to Keeghan’s. The PROBLEM is that Ian knows that chair as “his” chair. And so far bribery and negotiation have not worked. So now it’s time to try deviousness and trickery. I’ll keep you posted.

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