Week 38: In Which We Have A False Alarm

I spent Tuesday having contractions every 3-5 minutes apart.  Once they admitted me to the hospital overnight, the contractions finally slowed down.  I was released Wednesday morning.  For several hours, all the doctors were telling us that 4/26/11 would be this baby’s birthday.

We were quite pleased to learn that the very firm hospital policy is that they do not do pre-term C-sections (meaning before 39 weeks) unless the mother is clearly in labor or there is something very wrong.  We were even more pleased that during the entire long, LONG time we were at the doctor, at the hospital, and I was hooked up to the fetal monitor, the first thing everyone was able to say to us was, “the baby is doing GREAT.”  As of now, we are back to our previously scheduled program of going to the hospital on 5/10/11 for a C-section.  Baby may yet have other ideas, but for now… we’re waiting patiently!

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