37 weeks

Here’s what you get when Mister really would rather do something other than “pose” with Mommy. AKA, “NO, Mommy, I do not want a picture of that.”

37 weeks

Notice my very elegant footwear.  I have had to borrow some larger shoes to get me through the last couple weeks. Grandma Gray told me she used to wear Grandpa’s shoes while she was pregnant.  How in the world she suffered through this five times I do not know, but I suppose she felt the same way I do… it’s all worth it when they hand you the baby.

The doctor is still pleased with how baby and I are doing- I’m at 200lbs on the nose in case you’re keeping track, my blood pressure is excellent, my sugars continue to be stable on meds, and the fetus passed his first Non Stress Test (or “NST” to those in the know) with flying colors.  Ian used to kick the sensors during his, but this guy prefers rolling off one or both sensors so the obnoxious alarm goes off and brings the nurse running. Fun times!

We’re getting the baby clothes all washed and folded… and I keep looking at the outfit Ian came home in and thinking it is totally impossible (although true) that it was ever TOO BIG for him.

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