29 weeks: She was right!

My OB promised me at last month’s visit that I would NOT gain another nine pounds this month.  She thought I’d gain less and that the weight gain would even out.  I said later that I should have asked her to put money on that, knowing how huge I got during my first pregnancy.  Well, she was right… I did not gain nine pounds again this month.  Instead, I gained TEN.  My blood pressure is good.  The baby’s heart rate is good. (In case you aren’t keeping track, this means I’ve now gained 28 pounds already.  Go me.)

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My OB also says I’m still moving well for someone so pregnant.  (Are ya kidding me?) I can’t get out of my own way, and I need a running start just to roll over in bed, but I’m not in a position to turn down compliments at this point. Which is why I was delighted the other day when Ian screamed “YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL!” at his top volume (which, for those who haven’t heard it, is pretty loud!) and then flung himself at me like he’d been shot out of a cannon.  Love you too, son.

At this appointment I also took my first (actually, first for most people… I had one at 8 weeks because of my history) glucose tolerance test and am waiting for the news that I’ve flunked it, as expected. Trying to explain Gestational Diabetes to my three year old is like pushing ropes… you can’t tell if you’re making any progress.  (So, okay sweetie, I don’t look sick, I don’t feel sick, but I might have to go to the doctor A LOT and you and Mommy may be going for a lot of walks and there’s going to be weird stuff that Mommy has to do, but don’t worry, okay? Okay?)

We’re still waiting for the results… should be soon.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

PS: I failed the 1 hour test by three points.  I’ll be taking the three hour test next week.  I’ll keep you posted.

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