A Banner Day

Plum trees are starting to bloom in the neighborhood! I noticed Maple trees blooming too… sorry sinus sufferers!

The Little Man (“No, Mommy, I not called ‘little man,’ I IANY.”) was quite the trooper today. We walked to the store and back, and he did nearly the entire three miles on his feet. We insisted he be carried across the major intersections, and he requested about three more blocks of “up,” but he did all the rest!

Quotable Moment:

“Doggy, I hear you woofin’. I am eating my apple.”

Distance traveled: 3.08 miles
Solo Miles: 2.76 miles

Current Total Distance Traveled: 27.63 miles

I owe the babies: $6.91

And of course, no day would be complete without a stop at the playground. He really loves the twisty slide these days.

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